Online Mentoring

Coaching with Vincent Cubitt

Unlock your Unlimited Potential

Work 1-on-1 with Vincent

To unlock the potential of all that you are, you must first become aware of any destructive patterns or beliefs that cause stress and dis-ease in your system, and prevents you from accessing your own inner wisdom and natural ability to heal. 

Vincent helps you identify these patterns and empowers you to dissolve the effect they have in your life. 

During the process he directs your attention to the natural systems that are constantly guiding you back toward a more connected, joyful, and purposeful life. 

Connect & Align (one month)


A highly personalised process of coaching where Vincent analyses areas of your life that prevent you from healing naturally, and living life to your full potential.  

He empowers you to dissolve subconscious patterns that cause suffering and prevent you from connecting to your inner wisdom and the natural system that is constantly leading toward a more connected, healthy, joyful, and purposeful life.  

Working with Vincent creates an awareness that there is a deeper purpose to life, that suffering is our guide as we strip away the layers of perceived self to reveal our true nature and the unlimited potential we hold to create our reality.

This shift in awareness empowers you to be fully present in each moment and provides the insights needed to navigate any obstacle that may present in the flow of life.

• The Connect & Align program consists of 4 weekly zoom sessions (approx. 2 hour each)

• Session #1 - Deconstructing our story, exploring our natural guidance system, and setting goals

• Session #2 - Application: Creating a new framework through which to process your experience of life.

• Session #3 - Application: Creating a new framework through which to process your experience of life.

• Session #4 - Integration: Exploring the effect of the Process in every aspect of your life and setting intentions for the journey ahead.

 6 Month Group Masterclass

€399 / month

Many people choose to continue to work with one on one with Vincent, but for those that feel they need less support and would like to continue to explore the process more deeply, there is the 6-month group masterclass.

Those that wish to participate may apply after completing the Connect & Align Program.

Group Master Class

1 private session per month

2 Group zoom session per month

• The 12-week program doesn't have to be completed in consecutive weeks. 

• Once the client commits to the program, Vincent is committed to their partnership. As things arise, clients can reach out. 

• Once the program is complete, clients are welcome to continue on a month-to-month basis to both refine and integrate the insights they have gained.

Subjects covered:

Conscious Connecting

Sacred Sexuality

Conscious Parenting

Natural Health & Healing

Our true nature & purpose for being

  • Learning from Vincent and applying the process has changed my life in the most profound way

    Ready to begin your Journey?