Maybe you feel stuck in your life. You no longer know who you are, what you want, or what makes you happy. You feel that something is missing and no matter how much you think about it, you can't figure it out. You feel trapped, knowing that there is more, but have no idea how to get there.

Maybe you are depressed, unhappy, low on energy, stressed, anxious, or even sick. You try your best, but no matter what you do, it doesn't seem to get better. You recognize your patterns but seem unable to escape them. You want to do things differently, but you can't sustain any intention to change.

Maybe you feel like you're losing control, like you're on the "hamster wheel" of life, simply doing what life demands without the time, money, or freedom to live the life you truly want. You feel trapped by your job, relationship and responsibilities, and no matter how hard you try, you can't see a way out.

Maybe you feel stuck in your business that isn't growing and delivering on the incredible potential you know it has. You feel frustration from the lack of progress and the inability to see the solution.

While many aspects of your life are going well, there is a void that you can't seem to explain. Maybe you wonder what there is to complain about, with a beautiful family, a successful business, and a great job. Yet you can't shake that feeling that something important is missing.

On the other hand, maybe you're someone who simply strives for more success in your career but also seeks deeper meaning and personal growth on a physical, mental, and spiritual level. You feel that there is something special within you that you want to share with the world and know that fear is your only limitation.

How long will you continue to struggle while you've already tried everything to solve the emptiness and confusion?

You yearn for peace, personal growth, and answers. You want to stop doing the same old thing and getting the same results. You know it's time to let go of anything that no longer serves you, to step out of your old life… perhaps to even start something new. 

You want to break free from the unsustainable demands and pressures of daily life that take a toll on you. You want to fully enjoy life again. You want to feel more joy, more connection, more spontaneity, and freedom. It can all be lighter and easier.

You long for clarity so that you have a clear direction for the future again. You want to know what truly makes you happy. You want to feel what it feels like to know what you want. You want to have clarity about who you are, who you want to be, and where you want to go.

You want to feel empowered enough to make changes that will enable you to live life to the fullest.

Your mind is not the solution. Your heart leads the way.

Imagine what it would feel like if this retreat..

  • gave you the insights and clarity you need to navigate through life with more ease and a greater sense of purpose, to finally take control of your own story and direct your future.

  • helped you to reconnect with yourself, your inner strength and guidance, empowering you to break old patterns to live a more authentic life, aligned with your deepest truth and purpose.

  • would give you the ability to always listen to your inner compass that is guiding you towards a more balanced life of health, abundance, joy, and deeper connection (with yourself and others).

  • empower you to unleash your powerful natural abilities, so that you lead a life that not only gives you fulfillment but also inspires others to do the same.

  • support you in the process of discovering the unlimited potential you hold to create the life you want, free from the stress and pressures that keep you trapped on the ‘hamster wheel’ of society, giving you the courage to walk your unique path.

What would it feel like to truly start living again?

Trapped in repetitive cycles of our conditioning and ancestral patterns, It can be extremely difficult to make progress on your own, this is the reason we all need mirrors to reflect where we are trapped by our thinking and the life we have created. Our program offers you that clear reflection and the guidance you will need to see the bigger picture. It gives you an essential understanding of how all the aspects of your life are interconnected and helps you develop an awareness of those patterns and the tools to dissolve any destructive or limiting effects they have in your life. We will help you develop a lifestyle that supports you and gives you the energy, self-discipline, and confidence you need to overcome the obstacles that may be on your path. It will also give you the insight to navigate the emotional turmoil that is triggered by your relationships with those you love with greater ease and a sense of purpose.

The program focuses on developing the mindset, awareness, lifestyle and routines that are essential to live a more empowered, balanced, connected and joyful life. 

You hold the key to change, and only you can choose to take this first step.

Embracing that potential requires a leap of faith…

a willingness to face your fears, and to suffer the discomfort that it requires to break free of your old patterns that keep you feeling trapped, unhappy, or unfulfilled.

If you want the answers that you will find at the Freedom Retreat, you must be willing to step out of your daily life and try something new.

We will teach you how to tap into your inner wisdom and the natural system that is constantly guiding each of us toward a more balanced, connected, joyful and purposeful life. You will be empowered to overcome any obstacles on your path to freedom.

Practical information:

Experience the transformation at the Freedom Retreat from the 10th to 24th February on the shores of the breathtaking Swartvlei Lake on the Garden Route in South Africa.

The application process ensures a more harmonious group that is crucial for connection and shared growth. It also ensures the quality of your experience. Coming together with like-minded individuals creates a supportive environment where everyone can thrive and embark on their path of transformation.

To start your journey, you will need to book your own flight. Upon arrival, you will be picked up and transported to the Well-Being Sanctuary to start this transformative journey with a group of 8 to 20 people. If you like, we are ready to assist with booking flights, or even to help connect you with others that are making the journey with you


If you are interested in the Freedom Retreat, fill out the application form at the bottom of this page. You will then be contacted within 24 hours on business days (free of charge and without obligation), to assess together if this retreat is suitable for you and if you fit into the upcoming group. Below is the practical information for you.

Date: 10th - 24th February 2024 

Location: South Africa - George

Duration: 14 nights 

Venue: Well-Being Sanctuary


You will stay in a comfortable glamping tent, available for individual use or to share (one king-sized bed or two single beds).

New Daily Routine:

Building new daily routines is essential for breaking free from old patterns and for establishing healthy habits that will have a positive impact on your life. The daily schedule of the Freedom Retreat begins with an invigorating morning session, including exercise, group discussions, and profound conversations aimed at exploring your inner wisdom and the power of conscious choices. This routine not only provides structure but also personal guidance to break destructive patterns, paving the way for lasting personal growth.

Physical and Mental Challenges:

Choosing to overcome Physical and mental challenges is vital to your well-being and development as a human being. By inducing artificial stress and exposing ourselves to experiences like cold water immersion, HIIT sessions, heat exposure (sweat lodge), and fasting, we strengthen the immune system and stimulate your natural healing abilities. These challenges are carefully designed to explore your perceived boundaries and show you how powerful you truly are.

Food for Body & Soul:

Discover the transformative and healing power of clean and nourishing food on your mood and well-being. While we may think of food as our fuel and a delight for our taste buds, we must realize that it is also our medicine or our poison. In this modern world, our environment is filled with various toxins that accumulate in our bodies and that leads to health issues and disease. It is therefore essential to become aware of daily toxins that we take in and how food plays a crucial role in detoxification and maintaining optimal health. 

We recognize this importance and not only provide healthy meals and juices but also offer insights and guidance on mindful food choices. By eating consciously or choosing to fast, we lay the foundation for emotional balance, mental clarity, and physical vitality, giving you the freedom to fully unleash your potential.

Adventure and Exploration:

Six exciting excursions designed to explore the natural beauty and wildlife of South Africa (activities vary depending on weather and group capabilities). These adventures go beyond the surface and provide a unique opportunity to connect with the surrounding nature, allowing you to not only discover the splendour of South Africa but also open new perspectives for personal growth and development.

Personal Growth and Development:

Receive daily personal guidance sessions, both in group settings and individually, to break through inner barriers and reveal your unique path to personal growth. Learn to live in the moment and to break free from any perceived limitations. 

Discover the power of conscious dance and gain insight into how these practices will promote an awareness of the fears and insecurities that prevent your personal growth.

Get back into your body and out of your head; feel the effect of self-conscious thinking, and explore what it is to let go and be free.


Relax... give yourself space and tranquillity to fully absorb the transformative experience and the silence of nature. During these free moments, you will not only recover but also have the opportunity to integrate and gain deeper insights into the journey that has led to this point in your life, and the intentions you want to apply on the journey ahead as you create the life you want for yourself and those you love.

In summary, the Freedom Retreat is a comprehensive program that provides you with the tools, guidance, and experiences necessary to transform your life and set you on the path of self-discovery and personal growth. Sign up now to ensure that this program is right for you and to take the first step towards unlocking the freedom of your full potential.

The Investment of the Freedom Retreat

This investment in yourself is an empowered choice that sets you on a path of self-discovery and growth that will have a lasting impact on the rest of your life. 

As so many of our past participants have said, this experience is priceless and will shift your perspective on life so radically that you will feel like a new person. You will return home feeling empowered, rejuvenated and excited to apply the new insights and tools you have gained. You will find you are more centred and calm, with a deep sense of purpose and clarity on how to take the next steps in your life. You will feel more connected with yourself and confident that no matter what happens, you will be able to navigate life with more grace and ease. 

It is a magical experience that you will never forget.

Individual Accommodation:

You have your own beautifully decorated and comfortable glamping tent with a high-quality king-size bed.

€ 2322.00, now temporarily bookable for € 1999.00 until December 31, 2023.

Shared Accommodation:

Choose the sharing option- Share with your partner or friend, or connect with a fellow participant - two single beds or a king-size bed.

€ 1999.00, now temporarily bookable for € 1699.00 until December 31, 2023.

What is included in this investment:

This investment in yourself is far more than an incredible 14-day retreat; it is a deep commitment to your well-being and personal growth. 

Airport Transfers:

Effortless arrival and departure with inclusive airport transfers, ensuring a smooth transition to and from the retreat.


Enjoy a 14-night stay in our beautiful glamping tents, surrounded by the natural beauty of the Well-Being Sanctuary.

Nourishing Meals:

Ingredients for our delicious meals are harvested from our organic garden or sourced locally to delight your taste buds and heal your body.

A Shift in Perspective to Change Your Life:

Daily conversations and personal coaching sessions that help develop insight into the natural system that constantly guides us towards a more balanced, connected, joyful, and purposeful life. These sessions will make you aware of any patterns that hinder your healing or from living life to the fullest, and empower you to create the life you want for yourself.

Physical Well-being:

Getting into the habit - daily movement sessions of yoga, tai chi, and qi gong to boost energy levels and build healthy routines that you can continue at home. HIIT sessions that will strengthen the heart and the body's ability to process oxygen, while simultaneously giving you a mechanism to watch yourself expand your limits. (essential for developing the MIND). When we push our body to its limit (30/60 seconds), we release endorphins, burn fat, and create a cascade of effects that make us feel good, and as a bonus, it keeps you younger for longer.

Adventure and Exploration:

Six exciting excursions away from the Sanctuary to explore the wildlife and natural beauty of the Garden Route.

Conscious Dance and Movement:

Get into your body and out of your mind. Discover how conscious dance can free us from the limitations of self-conscious thinking.


Give yourself time for relaxation, providing space for reflection and integration of your transformative experiences.

Your investment is not just a financial commitment; it is a commitment to your personal evolution. The value you receive from this transformative experience extends far beyond the 14 days and becomes a lasting foundation for a more balanced and purposeful life. Take the leap. Invest in yourself with Freedom Retreat and unlock the boundless potential within you.

What do our customers say?

Who can we help and who we can't

At Freedom Retreat, we are committed to guiding individuals on a transformative journey of self-discovery and personal growth. While our program is designed to accommodate a diverse group of participants, it is essential to provide clarity on who we can best help and for whom our retreat may not be the ideal match. This ensures the success and quality of the group.

Who can we help?

Desire for Change: Individuals motivated to alleviate suffering, break free from challenges, and undergo a holistic transformation at a mental, physical, and spiritual level.

Willingness to Look Within and Do the Work: Participants must be willing to look within to confront the discomfort generated by limiting beliefs and patterns. Challenges include a clean diet practice, intermittent fasting, and activities such as ice baths, to promote self-discipline and personal growth.

Go-getters who want to reach the next level: If you are a go-getter who has achieved a certain level of success in your life/career and is looking for that special something to break through to the next level. Explore the deeper purpose of life and what true freedom means to you; discover any patterns that may be limiting your potential and free yourself at every level.

Spiritual Seekers and Holistic Care Professionals: Individuals with experience in healing, holistic healthcare, or spiritual practices who are ready to remove the subtle layers of the mind that cause emotional waves in our relationships with loved ones and family members and resolve ancestral patterns that shape our self-perception.

People in Life Transitions: If you find yourself at a crossroads in life, whether it's a career change, a shift in relationships, or any other life transition, our retreat provides the support and guidance needed for positive transformation.

Who can't we help?

Self-Directed Individuals: If you are not open to feedback and assistance and believe you know better than others, we cannot help you.

Non-Compliance with Guidance: If you are not willing to follow the guidance and advice of our experienced coaches, the impact of the retreat may be limited.

By the Book Only: If you are only willing to accept what is scientifically proven and conventionally accepted, our approach to life and personal development may not suit you.

At Freedom Retreat, we strive to create a supportive and positive environment for those sincerely committed to their journey of personal growth. If you resonate with our values and offerings, we invite you to take the first step towards unlocking your boundless potential.

Who are we?

  • Founder of the Well-Being Sanctuary.

    With over 20 years of experience, Vincent has successfully guided numerous individuals in chronic conditions such as addiction, mental/emotional disorders, and diseases.

    His unwavering dedication to the well-being of others led to the establishment of the Well-Being Sanctuary, a transformative refuge. Vincent has brought positive change to the lives of people who could not find help elsewhere, including those considered untreatable in clinics.

    His unique approach has allowed clients to undergo lasting transformations and set them on the path to a fulfilled and healthy life.

    Vincent's impact extends beyond numbers, as he personally transformed the lives of a significant number of individuals, providing them with the means to regain their strength and vitality.

  • Integrative Holistic Health

    Aris is a Transformational guide and practitioner of Integrative & Holistic Health.

    Over the past five years, Aris has successfully guided many individuals on their path to a more balanced, healthy, and connected life.

    She specializes in gut health and utilizes various methods to cleanse the gut and other organs of the body to optimize health and healing.

    Aris has a deep understanding of the interconnectedness of body, mind, and soul, stemming from her own personal transformation process. The journey has given her clarity about the natural process through which we heal, and has provided access to her inner wisdom and guidance.

    Her insight into ancestral patterns and conditioning enables her to effectively guide clients and empower them to resolve any blocks that hinder their healing and living life to the fullest.

Vincent and Aris share a wealth of knowledge and experience to help you empower yourself to heal at every level, and to create a deep awareness of your true nature and the purpose of our existence. They have helped hundreds of people break free from limiting patterns, enabling them to navigate life's obstacles with more ease and a sense of purpose.

If you are seeking more clarity in your life or a deeper sense of meaning, Vincent and Aris are ready to remind you that you are perfectly "designed," that the path you are on has a purpose, and it leads to an understanding of your true nature as a powerful creator. Their dedication to your well-being and the effective methods they have developed make Freedom Retreat a unique opportunity to experience profound change.

 Frequently Asked Questions

  • If you feel stuck and are seeking change, it is likely that Freedom Retreat can offer the transformation you are looking for. If you have any doubts about whether the program suits you, feel free to contact us for a free and non-binding conversation. We are happy to answer all your questions.

  • Sign up by filling out the contact form on the website. This will give you the opportunity for a free and non-binding online conversation with us for an introduction. Not everyone is admitted to Freedom Retreat, as the quality of the retreat is crucial. We first want to assess together if you truly fit the Freedom Retreat and the group.

    I still have doubts?

    You can always get to know us without any obligation. Fill out the contact form and we will contact you within 24 hours.

  • The inner work at Freedom Retreat helps people heal on various levels. The application process helps us determine if we are the right match for you and which program would benefit you the most.

  • You have the option to pay via bank transfer (preferred), credit card, or PayPal.

  • No, there is no required basic knowledge. However, it is valuable if you are open to aspects such as spirituality, mindset, etc. Our program is designed to be accessible to all participants, regardless of their prior knowledge.

  • No, flights are not included. You will need an international and domestic flight. If you need assistance with booking, we are happy to help you free of charge. We also provide tips to help you save time and costs.

  • Fly to Johannesburg or Cape Town. Then, take a domestic flight to George. It's best to book your flight to South Africa early in the day to ensure you can catch a connecting flight to George. You will be picked up from George Airport and taken to the Well-Being Sanctuary.

  • Information about meals and dietary needs will be provided, with an emphasis on a clean, mostly gluten-free and dairy-free diet (special diet requests available upon request).

  • We offer single or shared glamping tents for accommodation.

  • Wifi is available in the wifi zone. Phone usage is limited to private time – disconnecting and being present is essential for creating change.

  • The daily schedule is packed but also allows for personal free time, self-reflection, and relaxation. The exact times will be announced daily.

  • The program addresses topics such as:

    • Developing self-awareness

    • Conscious connection and sacred sexuality

    • Natural health and healing

    • Uncovering the mind (ancestral patterns/conditioning)

    • Freedom from suffering

    • Yoga

    • Qi Gong

    • Meditation

    • Conscious dance

    • Safari and other wildlife parks

    • Hikes

    • Sweat lodge

    • Sightseeing

    • Creative expression

  • At Freedom Retreat, you will discover that there is a natural process that leads us all towards a balanced, connected, and purposeful life. Once you are aware of this natural process, it is the method that will help you deconstruct destructive thought patterns and beliefs that limit you, and provide you with the tools to deal with emotional unrest or challenges that may arise in life. This is a highly individualised journey.

  • The Well-Being Sanctuary is located on the Garden Route in South Africa, where the weather is generally mild. In February, the time of the retreat, you can expect it to be warm during the day, with temperatures around 20-25 degrees Celsius, while it may be cooler in the evenings. For retreats taking place in October/November, similar temperatures can be expected. It is recommended to bring clothing suitable for both warm and cool temperatures.

  • As we explore your personal boundaries, participation is 'mandatory', unless there is a physical or medical limitation.

  • 8 am: Morning Movement

    10 am: Group discussion and breakout session

    1 pm: Lunch

    2:30 pm: Daily activity or excursion

    6 pm: Dinner

    8 pm: Campfire, drumming, music, and connection time.

  • Freedom Retreat takes place in nature and provides basic amenities, including compost toilets, spacious and shared showers for private use, and luxury tent accommodation.

  • Comfortable king-size or single beds, depending on the option you choose.

  • The language during group sessions is English, while individual guidance is also available in Dutch.

  • The size of the group varies and will be announced at the start of the retreat. The minimum group size is 8 participants, and the maximum number is 20 participants.

  • The flight time varies depending on the airline and route you choose. A direct flight from Amsterdam to Johannesburg takes 11 hours. There is no time difference when it is daylight saving time in Europe. When it switches to winter time, there is a one-hour difference.

  • Pocket money for personal purchases and gifts. Massages or other health and wellness treatments that may be offered occasionally (not mandatory).

  • It is preferable to arrive one day before the start of the retreat and depart one day after the end of the retreat. Special arrangements can be made depending on flight schedules.

  • No, we will provide all camping equipment.

    • Full refund one month prior to the start of the retreat.

    • 50% refund two weeks prior to the start of the retreat.

    • No refund possible one week prior to the start of the retreat.

Still unsure if Freedom Retreat is right for you? Or curious if you belong in our exclusive group?

Good news! If you have read this entire page and are still interested, there is a high chance that this retreat can truly bring transformation into your life. Contact us quickly, for free and without obligation, by filling out the contact form below. We aim to contact you within 24 hours (business days) and arrange an online meeting. We look forward to speaking with you about this magical experience.

“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our FREEDOM.” - Viktor Frankl

Contact Form

Contact us quickly, for free and without obligation, by filling out the contact form below.